
During my time as a Network Real Estate Manager with Verizon Wireless, Wooden Law Firm represented Verizon on a multitude complex contract negotiations to include…new cell site lease negotiations, lease modifications, lease reviews, lease renewals, complex easement negotiations, zoning and permitting issues, and much more. Wooden Law Firm, consistently provided competent and sound legal advice, and was consistently able to close negotiations and complete projects on time. Wooden Law Firm always responded to Verizon’s requests with a sense of urgency, and made us feel as though we were their only client, which of course we were not. I highly recommend Wooden Law Firm as a law firm that is highly experienced, and dedicated to providing high quality and expert Legal advice to meet their client’s needs.
Client Review
Tracy Wooden has developed a specialty practice in the tower communication regulatory field that puts him on equal footing with any and all firms in the country. His devotion to detail and continued success comes with the price of mastering the myriad field of rules, regulations and laws to insure his clients are represented well and successfully.
Peer Review
Tracy is an acknowledged expert in the areas of municipal law and zoning law and is truly an outstanding attorney.
Peer Review
After I was badly injured while operating machinery, the people responsible would not do anything to help me. Wooden Law Firm obtained a substantial six-figure amount of money to pay my medical bills, pay for the damage to my machinery, and to compensate me for the pain and suffering from the injury. Wooden Law Firm even negotiated with the medical providers to lower their bills and increase the amount of money I received. The excellent results that Wooden Law Firm obtained for me helped save my business. Wooden Law Firm helped me after my injury and I definitely trust them to help me again if I need them. Their reputation for excellent results is well known in the community.
David G.
I have worked with Tracy Wooden and Wooden Law Firm for many years. During my employment with a large local bank, we called upon the law firm on several occasions for assistance with many types of legal issues. Wooden Law obtained successful results in each transaction and in each lawsuit in which they assisted the bank. On a personal note, I sustained a serious injury in 2015 and after attempting to get the other party to accept responsibility and do the right thing with no success I naturally called on Wooden Law for assistance. Sure enough, Wooden Law quickly and efficiently obtained a six-figure monetary recovery to assist me with lost income, medical and other expenses related to the injury. Had I not engaged Wooden Law I am sure that there would not have been any recovery at all as the other party failed to accept any responsibility for the injury until Wooden Law proved otherwise. I highly recommend Wooden Law Firm based on the 100% success rate I have experienced from them over many years.
Sue W.